Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Good Samaritan, the next visit

Wow, our posts have nearly crawled to a halt.  Please forgive me.  We continue to move steadily towards launch.  Some minor timing and scheduling issues have caused us to push our official launch date back to September 18, 2011.  We are far from feeling ready but are moving ahead in faith and optimism.  Connections Church has been recognized as an official church plant by the General Counsel of the Assemblies of God and the West Florida District and both have blessed us with the funds we desperately needed.  As of September 1 we have double our paid staff from 1 to 2.  

Through outreach Connections continues to minister to people experiencing homelessness by visiting the jail, hospital, shelters, and day centers.  Since May, Through our partnership with The Shelter, we have restored identification for 60 people.  We have also met prescription, transportation, food, and clothing needs.  The Mighty Ones continue to meet Sunday nights to encourage people in their relationship with God and teach discipline through accountability.  Old relationships are being nurtured and new one cultivated.

 Nearly a year ago, during a visit to the jail, I met William.  William was a fifty-year-old biker adorned with tattoos and walking with a severe limp.  William was a hard and cynical man cast by many years on the road, failed relationships, and too many run-ins with the law.  He was in jail for battery and it appeared he would be remaining in jail for many more months.  I encouraged him as much as I could and asked him to notify me as soon as he received a release date.

Many months past and I forgot about William.  In April I received a special request From Donna, a classification officer at the jail, to meet an inmate who recently had his leg amputated after a severe infection.  It was William.  The man I met was not the hard cynical William I had met previously, this man broken and scared.  His release date was still months away but we began mapping out a transition plan.  I met with William regularly over the following weeks and months to encourage and make plans around major obstacles.

On Wednesday morning William was released.  I was there to meet him and we exchanged his jailhouse wheelchair with a loaner from Ability 1st.  William was release without identification, food, or housing so we set out to overcome those barriers.  God went before us in all these areas and we met little resistance along the way.  By 11:30 William had received a new Florida ID, Social Security Card, and had an appointment to talk to someone about receiving disability.  We were blessed at the Access Florida office by a woman under the tremendous strain of coping with a higher demand for food stamp assistance and reduced staff.  The interview line was three hours long (a quiet day) and there was no hope in getting through by phone, but she was moved to process Williams simple application as we stood at the counter.  

William was overwhelmed.  It is safe to say he had never experienced the power of God's unconditional love in such a tangible way.  I had the honor of watering the seed which God planted in Williams once hard heart, now slightly soften by the loss of his leg and the outpouring of God's mercy and grace.  

William's shaky housing plans quickly fell apart when a jailhouse buddy he was counting on turned us away.  William could not face the prospect of navigating the shelters in a wheelchair so Connections paid for two nights at a local motel to give him and opportunity to consider his next steps.  After supplementing the groceries we received from Catholic Charities and purchasing some hygiene items I left him for the evening, feeling very much like the Good Samaritan.  

Friday, I pulled up to the motel at 11:00 to find William sitting in his wheelchair entertaining a woman in his doorway while sipping a beer.  Apparently, William was going to test God's unconditional love as he flexed his hardened cynical old self.  My resolve was also tested as I moved into the room to find a grocery bag full of beer cans and bottles.  As we drove away from the motel I did my best ignore Williams taunt, "I guess you were being so nice to me because you thought I was a stand up guy."

For the next half hour I prayed continually as William wrestled with the man he was purposed to be and the man he had been for many years.  I choose not to react and continue to serve as the storm within William began to calm.  He spoke of resisting temptations and being encouraged on Thursday by a friend of mine who lived on the streets most his life and yet now has stable housing and a relationship with God.  I witnessed God continue to minister to William through others throughout the morning including a kind receptionist at Hanger Prosthetic, a Vietnam Vet who knew motorcycles, a severely disabled woman in a wheelchair, and a woman a parking lot.  Through each encounter William tested the legs of the man he was meant to be.  

William, once set against staying at the Haven of Rest, chose to stay there until we can find a more permanent solution.  I called on a few favors and was able to get him a bed for the month.  He will face many more temptation in the coming weeks and his old self is not done trying to exert itself.  I will continue make myself available to God so he may love William through these trials.  Please pray for me and William.     

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Big Week

It was a very big week for Connections.  Monday we received word our Church Multiplication Network (CMN) funding request was approved by the by the Executive Leadership of the Assemblies of God.  Thursday we completed an application for a sizable federal grant from the Department of Health and Human Services.

The CMN approval will provide much needed funding and equally important, it marks the final launch hurdle.  We are now clear for our August grand opening.  It also marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.  I have been a "pastor in training" for a long time and I still questions whether I am ready for the big leagues.  However, I am comforted by the distance God has already brought me.  Somehow, against long odds He has refined me and equipped me for service.  My confidence is in Him, not my own abilities.

Our Federal grant application is a testament to God's greatness.  The amount of bureaucracy and minutia applicants are require to navigate to apply for a Federal grant leaves Satan plenty of room to work.  If Connections Church is awarded the grant it will provide funds to pay staff, lease space, and provide for the basic needs of those we serve.  The grant was offered at the end of June and the application deadline was Thursday.

After reading the grant details at the beginning of July I felt defeated by its bestselling novel length.  My head could not even comprehend the amount of work which laid ahead but God encouraged us forward.  It was God who created the outline.  It was God who named the project.  It was God who shaped the narrative through the gifts of our leadership team.  By Thursday morning, after one last push, the application was ready.

The final battle came two hours before the deadline.  The process to electronically file a Federal grant is equally mind-numbing.  I thought I had completed the process weeks earlier until I entered my password and hit send.  It turns out I had only completed half the process and needed yet another account and password.  I felt Satan sneering with satisfaction, but God was not done.  Despite our stress, fear, and frustration God helped Deniz navigate the last steps and thwarted the enemy by clearing the last bureaucratic bariers in record time.    

Regardless of whether we receive grant, victory has been won.  Connection's ability to collaborate, willingness to trust, and faith in God was tested.  Our confidence in God has grown.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord, not even government bureaucracy.        

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finding Balance

Forgive me, it has been a few weeks since I posted our progress.  God is rearranging furniture, moving me from outreach worker to pastor, and sometimes difficult for me to find my balance.  I've been tempted to return to my old routines; meeting basic needs and touching lives where I can. However, our mission isn't to continue doing outreach the old way, God has something new in store.  My role has changed.  Outreach worker, preacher, and executive director are all time consuming jobs.  How can I do them all?  The short answer, I can't, but when I fall instep with God's plan I find balance.

Thursday was a good example.  I have continued my rounds at the Apalachee Drop-in Center from 9:00 - 12:00 on Thursdays, there was less people than usual but I remained the full three hours putting pieces together for a grant for homeless fathers.  I headed across town at noon because I was scheduled to meet Tommy, a young guy who I helped find housing, at 1:30.  Not wanting to waste time, I decided to call Tommy to see if I could visit earlier.  As I scanned my contact, I had several listings for Tommy.  I called the first listing, phone disconnected.  The next listing simply said "Tommy", I called, different Tommy.  I was trying to reach Tommy C. and I found Tommy S.

Tommy S. is in his mid-fifties and has lived on the road for twenty years.  I took an immediate liking to Tommy when I met him last year.  There was a time, when Tommy camped nearby my office, I began most of my days with him.  We would talk about his adventures, his struggles, and about God.  I saw Tommy's life begin to transform.  Unfortunately, Tommy's progress got derailed and he disappeared for several months.  Last month he returned but our relationship had changed, Tommy wasn't interested in talking about God anymore and as happens often with people running from God, he avoided me.

My Thursday plan, 9-12 Drop-in, 1:30 Tommy C, 2:00 shuttle six folks needing clothing to Calvary Methodist, 3-6:30 work on fatherhood grant, 6:30 prayer meeting followed by business meeting.  God's Thursday plan, something different.  As I spoke to Tommy S. on the phone, I realized God had created a new pathway.  My phone was transformed from a nuisance device to a ministry tool.  Tommy and I chatted only for a few minutes, but I felt God creating a new connection.  I sat in the Chevron station just South of Tommy C's apartment and called several others; not long conversations simply, "I was thinking about you just now...".

I got a call from Tommy S. around 5:00.  He said, "I don't get many calls and it can get pretty lonely, I really appreciated you calling me today."  

How often do we plow through our days moving from one task to another, completely oblivious to God's plan?  When we forget our mission and reduce it to a schedule, stress and fatigue can easily knock us off our stride.  Thankfully, God is faithful and patient.  If we are willing to keep an eye out for Him, even in the smallest of ways, He can adjust our trajectory.  Imagine what God could accomplish through us if our focus remained on Him completely.

God, thank you for growth and adventure.  My life is not stagnant.  I surrender my ways for your ways.  Accomplish in me and through me what needs to be done to bring glory and honor to you.  Help me to be attentive to your plan and overcome the stresses and strains this world invents.  Thank you Lord for wrong numbers which turn to right numbers, draw Tommy near, may my words be your words.  Amen.

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.   


Saturday, June 25, 2011


Just between you and I, I really had no idea how Connections would ever launch.  Yes, God has patiently groomed a Pastor and his family, raised men and women to stand by his side, created relationships within the homeless community and the community at large, raised support within the church, and overcome every obstacle, but a homeless church born during a recession? 

God continues to amaze me.  There is nothing too hard for Him.  Wednesday, during a seemingly unimportant lunch of leftovers with our Boys and Girls club hosts, God placed two more pieces of the puzzle.  By the end of the lunch we had a temporary location for our church and outreach center which will be co-located at the Boys and Girls Club during non-club hours. We also gained our future location in the abandon theater behind their existing building.  

This victory did not come from my clever planning or networking skills.  It came because God is faithful.  For months, I have been scanning real estate listings, talking with property owners, reaching out to friends of friends with money and influence, introducing myself to city and county leaders.   The mountain of impossibilities seemed to loom larger with every dead-end.  It is easy to become discouraged when you are expecting a miracle and instead you are greeted by fear, distrust, discrimination and skepticism.  However, it makes the victory all the more sweeter when God's love floods the room from a completely unexpected source.

Theresa, the President of the Boys and Girls Club, is not giving out of her abundant resources.  She was hired to make tough financial decisions and stabilize a struggling agency. They have been forced to close several clubs in our area and let go staff.  Where others refused to give out of their abundance, Theresa shares out of compassion for our community.  

There will be many more challenges ahead.  Today we celebrate God's faithfulness and provision in difficult times.  Years from now when we are ministering to hundreds or thousands, may we remember this week and how God launched Connections.

Jeremiah 32:17 (NIV)
17 “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.

Romans 8:31 (NIV)
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?   

Luke 21:1–4 (NIV)
As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Preachin' (Part 2)

Our first  Sunday went really well.  We met in a small unconditioned room in the basement of the Boys and Girls Club.  Dylan Jackson lead worship with an acoustic guitar while Jasmine and our Dylan belted praises loud enough to be heard by neighbors passing by.  Words to our song streamed across a TV from our wall at home, as Jenna sat at a small desk at the front of the room running PowerPoint from my laptop.  Yet, when God showed up during our first song I felt as though I was standing in the finest church ever conceived by man.  It was was the same power I have felt at our well appointed home church and the simple sanctuary of Rescue Atlanta.  Where God's people are; there is His church.

The message I delivered was strong and received.  I wasn't nervous and felt God working through me.  That is not to say I was comfortable.  I preached from behind the pulpit most of the service and lacked the conversational style God is still developing within me.  The most powerful moments were when I left script and shared my heart.  That has been the strength of my outreach style and has followed me to the pulpit.  My prayer was answered; God decreased Jeff's presentation and poured from his heart.  May every Sunday go as well.

Speaking of every Sunday, did someone forget to tell me Pastors are required to prepare 100-150 fresh messages per year?  Wow, this is going to require God's strength and wisdom.  Up until this point I've prepared 50 bible study topics (maybe nearing 100 while teaching Sunday school and leading Mighty Ones) and preached 4 or 5 times per year.  For memorial services I was given a week to prepare for special events often over a month.  

Last week I lived the message I was preparing.  Every conversation and bit of news was considered as a possible illustration.  Every scripture examined carefully.  My message became part of the family; then I delivered it (twice, gave a condensed version to the Mighty Ones) and it moved out.  Monday morning there was a new message waiting to be adopted.  This one, a Father's Day message, different than last weeks but loved just as much.  

I am certain God will develop my skills and preparing a message will become easier.  I believe Pastor Larry could prepare and deliver a heartfelt message within hours.  Right now I am still discovering Preacher Jeff.  My style is still being crafted.  There are parts of Pastor Larry which have imprinted on me and will be part of my delivery, but there is much more God has imprinted on me which is still finding its way to the surface.

A week ago I, if you had asked, I would have confessed I was as surprised as anyone God chose me to preach.  I only arrived at the pulpit by tiny steps of obedience over the span of seven years.  Today, I know I am meant to preach.  Words which once only found there way to the page will now find there way to the hearts of those I serve.  God has been preparing me for this time since the beginning; lets have church!!