Saturday, June 18, 2011

Preachin' (Part 2)

Our first  Sunday went really well.  We met in a small unconditioned room in the basement of the Boys and Girls Club.  Dylan Jackson lead worship with an acoustic guitar while Jasmine and our Dylan belted praises loud enough to be heard by neighbors passing by.  Words to our song streamed across a TV from our wall at home, as Jenna sat at a small desk at the front of the room running PowerPoint from my laptop.  Yet, when God showed up during our first song I felt as though I was standing in the finest church ever conceived by man.  It was was the same power I have felt at our well appointed home church and the simple sanctuary of Rescue Atlanta.  Where God's people are; there is His church.

The message I delivered was strong and received.  I wasn't nervous and felt God working through me.  That is not to say I was comfortable.  I preached from behind the pulpit most of the service and lacked the conversational style God is still developing within me.  The most powerful moments were when I left script and shared my heart.  That has been the strength of my outreach style and has followed me to the pulpit.  My prayer was answered; God decreased Jeff's presentation and poured from his heart.  May every Sunday go as well.

Speaking of every Sunday, did someone forget to tell me Pastors are required to prepare 100-150 fresh messages per year?  Wow, this is going to require God's strength and wisdom.  Up until this point I've prepared 50 bible study topics (maybe nearing 100 while teaching Sunday school and leading Mighty Ones) and preached 4 or 5 times per year.  For memorial services I was given a week to prepare for special events often over a month.  

Last week I lived the message I was preparing.  Every conversation and bit of news was considered as a possible illustration.  Every scripture examined carefully.  My message became part of the family; then I delivered it (twice, gave a condensed version to the Mighty Ones) and it moved out.  Monday morning there was a new message waiting to be adopted.  This one, a Father's Day message, different than last weeks but loved just as much.  

I am certain God will develop my skills and preparing a message will become easier.  I believe Pastor Larry could prepare and deliver a heartfelt message within hours.  Right now I am still discovering Preacher Jeff.  My style is still being crafted.  There are parts of Pastor Larry which have imprinted on me and will be part of my delivery, but there is much more God has imprinted on me which is still finding its way to the surface.

A week ago I, if you had asked, I would have confessed I was as surprised as anyone God chose me to preach.  I only arrived at the pulpit by tiny steps of obedience over the span of seven years.  Today, I know I am meant to preach.  Words which once only found there way to the page will now find there way to the hearts of those I serve.  God has been preparing me for this time since the beginning; lets have church!!

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