Thursday, November 25, 2010


Good morning Father, I love you.  Thank you for loving me even when I was far away from you. Thank you for Deniz; my bride, my love, my best friend.  Thank you for Jasmine; my better self, my second chance at making better choices.  Thank you for Jenna; my smile, my tenderness. Thank you for Dylan; my innocents, my thoughtfulness. If it were not for these, I would be lost and alone, stranded on an island of despair. Thank you Father for leading me home.

My mind can not comprehend the vastness or intricacies of your creation; what hope can there be of understanding you? I am just a grain of sand on the shore of eternity.  You are infinitely more and yet you call me your child, your friend. What did it cost to bring me near? How much did you sacrifice? How can I ever repay you? Thank you Lord for blessing me and allowing me to know you intimately. Thank you for revealing yourself through Jesus, your word, and your Spirit. Thank you for your promise that one day I will know all of you. 

Thank you Father for your faithfulness. There are times when I lose faith in myself, yet your faith in me is constant. You are omnipotent and never fail, I am fragile and ever failing, yet it is my faith in you which waivers. Thank you for believing in me, for raising me up, for trusting me to care for your loved ones.  I hope you are proud of me and my life reflects your love.   

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