Monday, May 31, 2010


Day 10

We have been together 23 years.  We have learned the importance of communication.  However, there are still times we neglect each other.  We become victims of our close relationship.  Assumptions are made based on previous experiences and we are tempted to take shortcuts instead having a conversation.  Shortcuts lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, conflicts, and separation.  

We have found the best way to stay in sync with each other is by making a habit to communicate clearly.  Busy work schedules at home and work make this challenging, but the alternative is division.  Division gives room to outside distractions and bad decisions.  A habit of  poor communications is as easy, if not easier, to establish as a habit of good communication.

God desires a deep relationship with those he loves.  He sacrificed His son to make this relationship possible.  Communication, prayer, is as essential in our relationship with God as it is with each other.  Failure to pray leads to the same pitfalls of misunderstanding, hurt, conflict, and separation.  When we fall out of sync with God we are easily distracted and prone to making bad decisions.  

If communicating with each other is difficult, communicating with God is an even harder.  How do we communicate with someone we can not see?  God’s voice is more difficult to distinguish; how do we know He is answering?  These additional barriers can often keep us from ever establishing communication.

Jesus’ disciples sought answers to these same questions. Fortunately, Jesus provided a model for clear communication with our Father.  If we desire to hear and be heard we should follow these steps:  1. Our prayers should offer recognition God’s authority and majesty.  2. We should express our thankfulness for God’s blessings.  3. We should examine our own hearts and ask for forgiveness for our sins while offering forgiveness to others.  When we follow these steps the barriers which hamper our communication with God will fall.

Connections will encourage others to develop a deep prayer life with God.  We understand the barriers which stand before us are too great for us to move, but through prayer and petition and by His will, mountains will crumble.   Connections will not prosper unless we adopt the habit of prayer.  We can not fail if we seek God with all our heart, mind, and soul.

Read the following passage.  Do your prayers sound like a shopping list?  Do you pray with the expectation your prayer will be heard and answered?  If you are not hearing from God, explore the reasons for the communications failure, chances are it is on your end.  God desires to hear from you.

Matthew 6:9-13 (New Living Translation)
9 Pray like this:
  Our Father in heaven,
     may your name be kept holy.
  10 May your Kingdom come soon.
  May your will be done on earth,
     as it is in heaven.
  11 Give us today the food we need,
  12 and forgive us our sins,
     as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
  13 And don’t let us yield to temptation,
     but rescue us from the evil one.

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