Sunday, May 30, 2010


Day 9

There are many questions we can not answer.  Why does tragedy and and heartache visit good families?  Why do the corrupt prosper, while the right-standing people struggle?  Why are there millions of starving children in the world?  Why are some prayers answered and while others seemingly go unheard?  What is God’s plan?  

God is sovereign.  It sounds kinda churchy.  What does it mean?  It means God is the absolute authority.  As creator of all things there is nothing He does not know.  Nothing catches God off guard.  The buck stops with God.  It is by His plan and His will, everything happens.  Satan did not steal authority from God, God allowed Satan to tempt his creation.

When your life is going well it is not difficult to praise God for his perfect plan for your life.  However, it is much more difficult to accept His plan when you are suffering.   How do we answer the homeless veteran, forced to sleep outside, when he asks, “What kind of God would allow those he loves to suffer?”

It is not always easy to see God’s plan at work in our lives, especially in difficult times.  However, the Bible provides a broader view of how God’s plan is fulfilled, even when factoring in choices by individuals and the adversary’s schemes.  God’s plan to restore our relationship with Him began the day the first sin was committed.  There was unimaginable damaged caused to the whole of creation.  Yet, in accordance to God’s plan restoration began immediately.

Connections does not desire to serve a God we can fit in a box.  We accept God’s sovereignty.  In doing so we understand there are answers we do not  possess and may not possess until we are face to face with God Himself.  We choose to live by faith and submit to God’s authority over our lives and circumstances.  We will seek an understanding of God, His plan, and our purpose through His word.  

Read Genesis 37, 39-46, you will find part of the God’s restoration plan through Joseph, Jacob’s son.  Joseph’s story helps illustrate God’s ability complete His plan.  We do not presume to know God’s complete plan, but seeing a portion of it accomplished against all odds, we are confident He will do the same for us.  Have you suffered adversity which caused you to question God’s plan, yet on the other-side realized it served a purpose?  Do you share your testimony with others?  Your testimony is a gift God has given you to share with others who may face similar challenges.  It is one of the greatest ways to bring people into relationship with God.

(Yes, it’s long but worth reading.  Notice God devotes nine chapters telling us about Joseph and two to explain creation.  God may consider this story significant)

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