Sunday, May 23, 2010


Day 3
We have been serving the homeless for the past six years but it wasn’t until recently our eyes were opened to a better way to impact lives. God is not found inside a building but within those who believe. However, there is a power like no other to be found in God’s presence when his children come together to worship.

Some church regulars may become desensitized to the miracle which takes place within their fellowships, but it has not been very long ago we received salvation. We still remember standing in the presence of God for the first time. It was humbling, scary, and exhilarating at the same time. It forever changed the course of our lives. It began in the fellowship of spirit filled believers. Do not discount the power present in your worship.

When we began considering building a homeless outreach we first looked to providing for the basic services which are either limited in Tallahassee or nonexistent. Providing similar services over the past years has enabled us to establish relationships and strong bonds in the homeless community. However, this model looked very similar to the traditional food pantry, clothing closet, or emergency shelter model. There is a better model.

In November 2009 we visited Rescue Atlanta. Rescue Atlanta provides for basic needs but their emphasis is on inviting all who will come, to experience God’s presence. The services held at Rescue Atlanta are very similar to the services held in other churches. The Holy Spirit was invited in through strong praise and worship then Pastor Mel Rolls spoke a message placed on his heart from God. The visitors to their fellowship are given the same opportunity we had when we stepped into our first spirit filled church; to confront their sinful ways, encounter God, and make a choice to follow.

We returned from Atlanta with a new vision. A marriage of our one-on-one relational ministry with the Rescue Atlanta Church experience. Creating strong relationships is important but nothing can match the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives.

Read the following passage. Consider your current fellowship. Have you become desensitized to the presence of the Holy Spirit? Your decision to worship and seek God’s presence or just going through the motions may be the difference between the man at the back of the room discovering God or walking away.

3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. (Revelation 2:3-5, New King James Version)

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