Sunday, August 15, 2010


We are celebrating another step forward.  Connections FGG (For God's Glory) Inc.  is incorporated.  We completed our application to become a recognized non-profit organization and hope to hear from the IRS soon (we have never said that before).  The road to become incorporated paralleled a long journey we took to find someone to diagnose and repair our van.  In both cases we were deceived by men using Jesus' name for their own gain.

Shortly after receiving the vision to expand our homeless ministry we purchased a 1998 Ford passenger van.  We decked it out with Matthew 28:19 and Mark 12:30 and it soon became known as the "Jesus Van".  For the past three years, Jeff has used it to shuttle folks to the DMV, doctor appointments, and the social security office.  Last year the van developed a case of hiccups.  As it accelerated through third gear it hesitated.  Having little money at the time to put towards repair, Jeff attempted to replace suspect parts on his own.  It became clear, when he discovered changing a simple fuel filter required a special tool, his limited shade tree mechanic skills were no match for the problem.  We decided to live with the hiccups.

Ignoring car troubles is similar to ignoring sin, neither will end well.  Last fall, shortly after Jeff had returned from his weekly DMV trip, BAM!!  Something suddenly blew under the hood.  The engine was still running but it sounded more like a tank than a passenger van.  Jeff drove it four miles to a "Christian" mechanic who was a trusted friend of a trusted friend and begged for help.  Jeff was told it would take a week but they assured him it was in good hands.  We were deep in our financial crisis and a repair bill was the last thing we needed, but we trusted the mechanic.

The van was pronounce repaired and the bill was inflated from the original $200 to $700.  The mechanic convinced us the van desperately needed brakes and the rotors were too gone to be repaired.  Much of the work was done without our consent because we thought of the mechanic as a friend.  Jeff was angered by the bill and the brakes and felt the mechanic took advantage, the final straw was when the hiccup returned two days later.  When we complained and demanded he fix the problem we were told the bill was for repairing a blown spark plug and the brakes, the hiccup was not related and it was most likely clogged fuel injectors.

We were very disappointed but chose not to make a major deal about it because of the guilt piling up at our friends feet. He had recommended the mechanic and was dismayed.  Lesson learned, Uncle Rick was not the man of integrity we had sought.  We continued to drive the hiccuping Jesus van until July.  While we were in Orlando at the Church Multiplication conference, our friends found a new mechanic.  This time the mechanic was the father of a friend of a friend.  "A proven mechanic of integrity with a good reputation".  We were told the repair could be made for around $100, how could we go wrong?

When we returned from Orlando we learned the problem was not what they had thought and it was back to the spark plugs and coils.  Our friend secretly threw in his own money with our $100 to complete the repair.  We were told plugs had been replaced and the offending coil had been dealt with.  Our excitement lasted an afternoon.  The van seemed to run better on the way to church, but on the way home it was back to the familiar sputtering hiccups.  When we returned it to the mechanic he explained the coil which he had replaced had failed.  He replaced the coil but felt it was most likely the $1000 ignition computer at fault.

The hiccups soon became so bad we parked the van out of fear of doing major damage.  Last week we took the van to the dealership.  We have never had a good experience with dealerships.  They charge too much for the simplest things, like $70 to replace windshield wipers.  However, beyond frustration and down a vehicle we had few options.  Fortunately, we discovered we paid off our other car and had a few dollars in reserve.  

The van is fixed, runs like new, thank you Jesus!  However, the Ford mechanic discovered both previous mechanics had deceived us.  Spark plugs and coils which were reported as replaced by both mechanics were the originals from 1998.  The new coil which was reportedly under warranty was from an old Crown Vic, not even an interchangeable part.  The "state of the art repair" performed by Uncle Rick turned out to be glue.  Christian men of integrity?

Last Saturday we woke early to begin the process of incorporating Connections.  We had explored the internet looking for expert assistance and discovered many "incorporate online" sites.  Most seemed overpriced but the promise of expert help was attractive.  We wanted to make sure Connections had a strong legal foundation.  We found a Christian legal site which promised help to church planters, so we filled out the request form online.  The form took several minutes to complete but they promised a quick response.  Within fifteen minutes the phone rang and it was our Christian expert on the other end.  We explained in detail what we wanted to accomplish and they shared the procedure with us.  We were thrilled, then we asked about the fee; $950.00 to help us incorporate!  "Thank you very much, we will get back to you. (yikes, more Christian men of integrity)"

Deniz established our Consulting company in 1998 and was confident we could navigate through the process on our own.  We decided to consult the State of Florida's website and to our surprise, everything we needed to incorporate was there including advice and the proper forms.  We mailed the documents Monday and Friday we received the notification Connections FGG was official!  Total spent, $60.

How much harm are deceitful Christians doing to our reputation?  If we claim to be righteous yet steal and deceive from each other, how will the world perceive us?  Whether it is using used parts and lying about repairs or charging hundreds of dollars when the work warrants much less, neither can be tolerated.  The world Jesus asked us to reach is watching.  To be a follower of Jesus requires integrity.  Nothing else will do.

Connections will value integrity.  We understand we represent something much greater than ourselves.  Any short term gain received by deception only invites harm.  As pappy once said, "you can fool some of the people most of the time, you can even fool most of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."  Deception distorts the perception of Christianity and shames God.  He will not allow His church or His name to be damaged.  

 24  He who hates, disguises it with his lips,  
      And lays up deceit within himself;
       25  When he speaks kindly, do not believe him,  
      For there are seven abominations in his heart;
       26 Though his hatred is covered by deceit,  
      His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.
       27   Whoever digs a pit will fall into it,  
      And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.
       28  A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it,  
      And a flattering mouth works ruin. (Proverbs 26:24-28, New King James Version)

 29 The righteous shall inherit the land,
         And dwell in it forever.
 30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom,
         And his tongue talks of justice.
 31 The law of his God is in his heart;
         None of his steps shall slide.
          (Psalm 37:29-31, New King James Version)

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