Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stance and Reflexes

Pastor Larry and I met with a city commissioner yesterday about a potential facility.  It was a was a much shorter meeting than I expected but the commissioner seemed genuinely interested.  Last evening Pastor Brad called my willingness to follow God's vision courageous.  I was honored to be compared to David's Mighty Men.  I am not courageous.  There is very little difference in who I once was and who I am today.  I still face the same temptations and have many of he same thoughts.  The difference is my stance and my reflexes in battle.

Not many years ago I did not stand for anything.  I shuffled from issue to issue and formed my opinions around how I was feeling in the moment.  I have never enjoyed confrontation; most times it was easier to step back than to step up.  I dodge my share of battles but without a firm stance I usually found myself knocked off my feet.  Over time I developed self preservation reflexes like lying, deception, manipulation, and a sharp tongue.  These reflexes developed because my survival was my number one priority.  I would simply react and face the consequences later. Selfishness in battle brings harm to you and those around you.

When I began my relationship with God my stance began to change.  I was offered a firm foundation and as I learned about Jesus my confidence in my footing grew.  I felt very awkward in the beginning; everything felt unnatural. I would leave Sunday confident in my new found faith only to feel lost and confused by Tuesday.  Gradually my reflexes changed, the battles were the same but my reaction was different, truth replaced fiction, honesty replaced deception, humility replaced manipulation and I began to be able to control my tongue.

I am not courageous.  I pursue God and practice obedience.  I am partnered with God in His will, it doesn't get any better than this. Yesterday, we met with a county commissioner.  My stance was good, my reflexes sharp, but it was God who made the difference.  It is exhilarating to stand in the midst of a battle and watch God fight; the enemy shouts insults from the far side, the bell rings, you take a step --blink-- your opponent lays in a heap at your feet and your hands are being raised in victory.

 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:14-16, New King James Version)

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