Monday, August 30, 2010

Keepin' It on the Road

Discipleship (mentoring) will be a major part of Connections.  Through prayer I began examining my discipleship and allowing God to make corrections.  I do some things well. For instance, I have developed an abundance of patience over the years (waiting in DMV lines and doctors offices weekly helps build patience muscle).  I also need improvement in some areas. I often fail to hold those I serve accountable and address obvious sin. When they continue to struggle and my expectations are not met, I can become angry and frustrated. 

How can I better disciple those I serve? Do they even understand my expectations? There are so many choices, so many ways people can sabotage themselves, it seems unfair.  I asked God why the path needs to be so narrow.  His reply was simple, "because I love you."

The road is not narrow to make our journey unnecessarily difficult; the road is narrow to make navigation easier. The more options and choices we have, the more difficult it becomes to find our way home. From this perspective the narrowness becomes a blessing not a list of meaningless restrictions. Follow this simple path to eternity or choose a different path and tumble off into oblivion. Would you choose a simple map or no map when setting out across a minefield?

So, with this in mind how do I help those coming behind me remain on the path? God asked me to list the markers He has given me to follow and to share them with others. I need to do a better job. I have been guilty of overlooking sin to focus on the fun positive stuff. This promotes double-mindedness and confusion. "why are you upset with me, yesterday you were praising me". God corrects my course because He loves me. I need to do the same for those he places in my care. Giving or receiving correction is uncomfortable but the alternative is misery and death, maybe I should speak up?

Boundary Markers
1. Love God with all you have. Be God focused.
2. Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.
3. Don't lie, cheat or steal.
4. Have integrity - be consistent, solid, a strong support for those on your right and left.
5. Speak encouragement.
6. Speak truth in love.
7. Do not compromise with sin.
8. Love sinners, extend forgiveness, grace and mercy.
9. Accept authority, practice discipline, willing to accept correction.
10. Be humble and open to learning from unlikely teachers.
11. Seek God through prayer and His word.

Connections will make our expectations known. We will encourage those we serve to follow the narrow way. We will offer correction when needed and extend mercy and grace for those who struggle. We will not respond in anger or frustration.    

 12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. 
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Matthew 7:12-14, New King James Version)

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