Saturday, September 4, 2010


Every Sunday Pastor Perry closes service by saying, "love one another... BOLDLY." The congregation joins in on the the "BOLDLY" and we depart with a smile. In an early blog we talked about the church as "The Body of Christ" and the need for each of us to discover and perform our purpose in concert with each other. I consider myself part of the hand reaching out to those God loves. It is very poetic; it has inspired awesome song lyrics, but is the church, am I, operating at the level God desires?

Gary Haugen, founder of International Justice Mission, challenged our Sunday class in a video series called "Becoming the Good Samaritan".  Gary spoke of the injustice he witnessed in Rwanda in 1994. Eight hundred thousand (800,00) people were murdered in less than one hundred (100) days.  He reminded us God is a God of justice; each of the 800,000 born in Rwanda were born with a purpose, just like you, and it was stolen from them.  God has one plan to answer injustice. His plan is us, His Church.  We have a responsibility.

During prayer on Wednesday God reminded me of Gary's words, "you are the plan." God desires to answer prayer through me. I think of God moving in grand ways, like parting the Red Sea or providing food for Israel in the wilderness. God's plan is even greater. He desires to reach every corner of the world through His people. If we fail to act, prayers will go unanswered.

If you are anything like me you may be tempted to whine and complain about this tremendous burden of responsibility.  My prayer (whine) goes something like, "but you are so big and I am so small, how can I ever accomplish anything?"  God invites partnership. He offers his strength to be our strength, His capacity for compassion to be our capacity. He desires for us to be one with Him.

I have a wonderful vision of the church.  Our praise and worship on Sunday morning is the catalyst for a tremendous explosion which sends shock waves throughout our community.  The Holy Spirit washes over the hurting, the angry, the abandoned, and the dying in waves.  Lives are changed in an instant as God reveals Himself.

When I first began seeking a church in Tallahassee I saw a sign in the drive as I was leaving a small country church. It read, "you are now entering the mission field".  I though it was unique. I was impressed by the boldness of such a small congregation.  I then began to see similar signs as left other churches. I was inspired by the sense of mission. Freedom Church has a sign in the drive as well, but haven't noticed it in years. I wonder how many others fail to see the sign?

The explosion in my vision is us, the Body of Christ.  The mission field signs are a reminder of our purpose.  We are God's answer to the prayers of our community.  Before complaining about the nature of our world and the rising tide immorality we need to look closer at ourselves.  Are we bold enough?  

I've watched bomb disposal units on television.  They often choose to enclose the bomb in a reinforced container and intentionally detonate it.  The bomb which had the potential of unleashing a powerful explosion lets out a muffled thump and a little smoke.  If we invite God into our services on Sunday yet fail to allow God to love through us, church becomes nothing more than a muffled thump and some smoke. Connections will choose to rise to our potential.  We will refuse to muffle the power Holy Spirit.  God will impact our community through our boldness.

 20-23I'm praying not only for them
   But also for those who will believe in me
   Because of them and their witness about me.
   The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—
   Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
   So they might be one heart and mind with us.
   Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me.
   The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
   So they'll be as unified and together as we are—
   I in them and you in me.
   Then they'll be mature in this oneness,
   And give the godless world evidence
   That you've sent me and loved them
   In the same way you've loved me.  (John 17:20-22, The Message)

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