Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Day 17

We understand, blogging is about new content, new insights, and timely posts.  We apologize for the gap in the last few days.  Our blog is a priority and we are dedicated to bringing fresh content regularly, but we can not promise it will always be daily, ok?  After all, life creates content and life often happens away from a keyboard.

We were just looking at a picture of Bennett negotiating the rapids on the Tuskegee River in North Carolina.  Our lives can be like negotiating a river.  There are quiet times, when you are floating in the broad deep river, the current gently sweeping you along.  You tell yourself, "ah so peaceful, life is good,"  but part of you is scanning ahead in anticipation, perhaps trepidation, for the river to narrow and the work to begin.

Our life has followed this pattern of quiet drifting followed by a sudden, exhilarating rush of excitement.  We are not quite at a place where we can predict the rapids ahead but we are starting to notice patterns.  As God readies us to plant Connections, there are essential pieces of equipment required.  Just as Bennett would have been foolish to approach the rapids without a helmet and life jacket,  we would be foolish to approach planting a church without faith and obedience.  Obedience is an expression of faith.  It is an opportunity to trust, despite common wisdom.  Opportunities to show obedience have been a sign the sleepy river is about to awaken.

The last few days have been a rush and it began with a call to obedience.  As we mention in "The Long Road", we experienced a drought last year.  During the drought we recognized our excesses and our inability to serve God fully while we clung to them.  This is not to say God can not provide for his children.  There are mighty men and women of God who have been blessed abundantly.  However, God knows our attachments, the things which compete for our attention, and he has asked us to make a willing sacrifice.  

God gave us this understanding in November 2009, it is now June 2010.  We  took time off in January to ready our home for market.  We boxed up keepsakes, held garage sales, and created a list of details we wanted to have right for the next owner.  When we obeyed, God began moving Connections closer to reality.  However, time passes even on a sleepy river.  We failed to follow through.  Busyness and our to-do list stilled our progress.  The devil does not have to do much to subvert a mission, he is a master of sowing doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  Each of these slowed our willingness to obey.

Fortunately, God is faithful and patient.  He knows how to wake up His people and move them forward.  Last week, the dates for the next steps in church planting, which once seemed far away, were quickly approaching.  We were becoming frustrated by the lack of news and progress.  Had everyone forgotten about our mission?  Was God no longer interested?  We looked everywhere for the source of the sluggishness.  We finally looked at ourselves.  

Sunday, even though our to-do list was not complete, we felt prompted to set an appointment with Jerry, our Realtor.  This simple act of obedience initiated a rush of activity.  We approached Pastor Larry after service and he asked us to attend District Council. District Council is a meeting of all the Ministers in the Florida Panhandle.  Monday we received a second request from the  Assistant District Superintendent to attend.  Pastor Larry also announced he discovered a potential building for Connections and sent Mark, an elder and home inspector, to investigate.  In the meantime we met with Jerry, who confirmed he was God's choice by answering our questions and setting our hearts at ease.

As of last night our home is on the market, we were given an opportunity to address the ministers of the Panhandle and share our mission and passion,  a special offering was taken to help our efforts and long term support for church planting was initialized,  and ministers who have been our mentors and friends encouraged us while others prayed and prophesied over our future ministry;  Woooosh!!!

Through our experience, we offer this observation.  When God's hand seems slow, examine yourself.  Has God asked something of you?  Have you acted obediently?  Are you equipped for the rapids ahead?  We thank God for his patience when we are slow to obey and when there are lessons to learn.  We are grateful for still waters.

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