Monday, June 14, 2010

Great Expectations

Day 23

What causes our expectations to be compromised?  Was there a time in your life when the world seemed full of promise?  How did our dreams of becoming the President, an astronaut, or the owner Microsoft slip away?  At some point most of us stop believing in miracles and settle for “reality”.  

Life can wear the most resilient of us down.  If we are not careful we can succumb to the strain and retreat.  Christians are not immune to the ailments of the world.  There have been times in the church’s history of great expectation (revival) and there have been times of waining expectations.  When we place our faith in man and our own understanding we limit God’s ability to reaching those He loves.  Some may have once had a vision of saving the world, but now they are just hoping to survive.

What is the remedy for compromised expectations?  It begins with a restored faith in the supernatural.  Children believe all things are possible.  Many adults can give you twenty-five reason why all things are impossible.  Yet movies like Avatar, which allow us to suspend our disbelief, tap into our desire to believe in miracles.  Avatar suggests a beautiful vibrant world untouched by man’s corruption, where the inhabitants live in peace spiritually connected to each other through their God.  The popularity Avatar proves people still want to believe there is a better reality than the one they live, a supernatural reality where all things are possible.  

Healing for compromised expectations begins with “what if”.  What if the Bible is true?  What if there is a spiritual battle raging around us?  What if Jesus’ death freed us from the sin and corruption of this world?  What if all things are possible through God?  What if our childhood vision was reality, now dulled and tainted by our enemy? What if God desires us to live peacefully in a indescribable vibrant world connected to each other through Him?  What if we saw through His eyes?

Connection will choose to believe all things are possible through God.  We will not limit God’s ability to move mountains by relying on our own understanding.  Connections will encourage others to expect miracles.

Read John 14:12-14.  Does this passage sound like a God of limitations?  How often do you exercise your faith?  Has your narrow view of “reality” hampered God’s ability to perform miracles through you?  We encourage you to shed your skepticism and allow God to restore your great expectations.  The world God has promised is far beyond our wildest imaginations, even James Cameron’s.

John 14:12-14 (New International Version)

12"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." -Jesus-

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