Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Simple Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for all you have done.  Thank you for the gift of salvation, for redeeming me through the death of your son.  Thank you for loving me, even when I was away. Thank you for never giving up on me, for continuing to reach for me even when I was too stubborn to listen.  Thank you for blessing me with family and friends, with the freedom to express my love for you freely.  

You are the creator of the universe yet you find time to hear my prayers, you know me, you know my heart, you know my thoughts, you know my desires.  Father I am not worthy of your attention,there are so many which are more worthy, more knowledgeable of your ways, wiser men and women of faith.  Thank you for your grace and mercy which reclaimed this shattered vessel and through loving patience and guidance have crafted me from nothing, to a usable tool, to a precision instrument.  It is only by your hand I am anything, in my weakness your glory will be seen.  The world will awaken to your greatness through what you accomplish through my simple life.  

I praise you with all I am Lord, awaken the rebellious, the stubborn, the resentful, the hard hearted, the wicked, the confused, the independent.  Pour out your spirit upon them as you have done in me so none will perish.  Our days are short and the need is great, awaken your slumbering church and unite us as one, the enemy is gaining ground, too many lives are at stake Lord.  I willingly stand in the gap to see others come into right relation with you.  I stand for the prostitute and drug addict, I stand for the schizophrenic and the abused, I stand for the forgotten veteran and the lost children.  I stand for the teenage mothers seeking love and value, I stand for the deadbeat fathers drowning in debt, I stand in the gap for all those drowning in poverty, I stand for the corrupted, the dealer, the pimp, our misguided leaders.  Father, hear my prayer, rescue them as you rescued me.  Provide the hands and feet, there are many to be reached, many who need to know who you truly are.

Father, I stand  for Freedom Church, give them a clear vision.   The people of Freedom will always hold a special place in my heart, it was their compassion and worship you used to draw me to you.  Prepare them for all who you are sending to them, let no one leave Freedom without encountering you.  I stand for the church of Tallahassee.  Forgive us lord for falling asleep, we know the hour is near, yet we sleep.  Even the church can become distracted.  We act too often on our own wisdom instead of seeking yours, forgive us Lord.  Marry our compassion for the lost of Tallahassee to the solid foundation of your word.  Lord, raise your church again.

Father forgive me.  Forgive my pride and negligence.  Forgive the times I fail those you have placed in my care.  Forgive me for not seeking you more.  Forgive my ignorance.  Lord, I willingly submit myself to your authority and the authority you have placed over me.  Forgive my arrogance and selfishness, I want to serve you.  I want serve those you have placed in my care as I serve you.  Have your way in me Lord and craft me into a servant capable of seeing the needs of others.  Give me the eyes to see them as you see them Lord.  Give me the tools and the hands to mend lives and raise saints. 

I choose to be completely dependent on you Lord.  The kingdom I might establish on my own is worthless compared to what I can accomplish through you.  Let your will be done.  Guide my steps and open the locked and barred doors before me, for your glory, for your kingdom, for the children you love.  Protect those who are raised Lord, give them strong Christian men and women at their sides to catch them when they slip.  My heart is your heart Lord, I do not want to see a single one lost.  The enemy is tenacious but our King has overcome the world, victory is ours.  With Jesus, who can stand against us!

Father, the world needs less of me and more of you.  Strengthen me to be a better witness.  Give me the courage to stand in the storm and proclaim your Gospel.  Search my heart and remove anything which is displeasing, break me free from this world and its snares while keeping me connected to your children.  I love you Father, I can never repay my debt.  I gladly choose to serve you.  

In Jesus Name. Amen  

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