Saturday, June 26, 2010

Modern Warfare

Day 33

Two years ago I sat across from Robert at a table in the Burger King near Florida State University.  Robert invited me to talk about his interest in ministering to the homeless.  I had known Robert for a few years; he had made many poor choices in the past including infidelity and brushes with the law which had severely strained his marriage.  However, for the past year he had been a resident and employee at a Christian men's home and was seeking to join the fight.

As Robert shared his heart I could sense God's call on his life and his sincere desire to reconcile himself with God and his family.  Over time I witnesses Robert humble himself and rededicate his life.  Robert began speaking with his wife and soon she was talking about relocating to be nearer to him.  Against all odds Robert received a well paying job with the city.  Robert's old wounds were mending and shackles were breaking as he was freed from old patterns.

Yesterday I sat at across from Robert at a table in the Leon County Jail near Florida State University.  Robert invited me to pray with him, he was in a deeper crisis now than when we first met.  Shortly after Robert receive the job with the city he began to slip.  He confessed he was being tempted to flirt with the women at work.  Robert soon distanced himself from me; I heard he moved into an apartment with a young woman and was struggling with substance abuse.  Three weeks ago the police were called to the apartment.  Robert had been drinking and became violent.  He was arrested for beating the young woman he was living with.  Robert faces months of jail time and has lost everything. 

What happened?  Men and women who feel called to serve can expect to be tested.  Christians who remain hidden in their foxholes draw little attention from the enemy.  Those willing to stand quickly come under fire.  Do you know the bullets used today are smaller and do less damage than the ones used in the Civil War?  Military strategists learned there is a greater advantage in wounding a soldier than killing him.  Killing a soldier removes one from the battle.  Wounding a soldier removes three or four; the wounded soldier and those attending him.  

Satan uses a similar strategy, whole congregations can be removed from the battle by one wounded Pastor.  To thwart this strategy, God allows those who answer the call to minister to be tested.  Robert sincerely wanted to serve God.  His call was genuine, but before he could be placed in service he was tested.  Bad judgement led to poor choices, poor choices created a distance between Robert and God, away from God Robert fell victim to the enemies scheme.

Can Robert be saved?  We are all in trouble if he can't.  Thankfully we serve a forgiving and patient God.  The way back will not be easy, but in time God may still have a ministry for Robert.  He has already begun telling the other inmates about Jesus, the one who saves thieves, punks, and prostitutes. 

I submit myself to God, search my heart and remove anything displeasing.  Do not allow me to shame you. Protect me from the enemy as I stand to serve you and those you have called me to reach.  Connections will encourage others to stand, submit to God, and find joy in the test.

The following passages illustrate the importance God places on testing those who care for his children.  James cautions pastors will be judged more strictly than others.  In Luke 22:31-34, Jesus allows Peter be tested.  Peter was not discarded when he failed.  Because he was willing to submit, Peter's wounds were healed and his faith grew.  Are you willing to submit yourself to open heart surgery?  The harvest is great and the workers are few, ready to stand?

James 3:1

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

Luke 22:31-34 
 31"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
 33But he replied, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death."
 34Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me."


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