Monday, June 21, 2010

The View So Far

As you know we are looking forward to planting a church in Tallahassee.  We have chosen this blog to craft our vision and discover our purpose.  We thought a recap would be worth posting as we allow God to shape our future ministry.  The following is a compilation of our mission statements.

1. As the foundation of Connections is laid we will implement the lessons we learn from the homeless camps to grow a strong fellowship.  The elements needed promote deep relationships are all present.  We are in a battle for survival.  We have an adversary.  We feel outnumbered.  We must overcome.  The victory is ours.  

2. Connections will be a marriage of our one-on-one relational ministry with the Rescue Atlanta Church experience. Creating strong relationships is important but nothing can match the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives. 

4. Connections will adopt the servant leadership model, it is bible proven and ordained by God; it seems good to us and the Holy Spirit.

5. Connections will share this message with all the people we serve.  We will encourage them to seek God’s forgiveness while forgiving themselves and others.  They will be freed from their past and empowered to live in the present. 

6. Connections will develop a clear, passionate vision. 

7. Connections does not desire to serve a God we can fit in a box.  We accept God’s sovereignty.  In doing so we understand there are answers we do not  possess and may not possess until we are face to face with God Himself.  We choose to live by faith and submit to God’s authority over our lives and circumstances.  We will seek an understanding of God, His plan, and our purpose through His word.

8. Connections will encourage others to develop a deep prayer life with God.  We understand the barriers which stand before us are too great for us to move, but through prayer and petition and by His will, mountains will crumble. We will not prosper unless we adopt the habit of prayer.  We can not fail if we seek God with all our heart, mind, and soul.

9. Connections will follow God’s instructions and accept it’s authority.  We will not edit His word.  We trusts the Holy Spirit’s guidance in understanding the historical context of scripture as well as the modern implications.

10. Connections is committed to serving the ones God loves.  We will seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit so we have God’s love and encouragement available to share at all times.  We will pray without stop.  The journey will not be easy, but God will lead us to green pastures.

11. Connections will defeat the critical spirit by being ever watchful against it’s influence.  We ask God to search our own hearts and motives and to teach us His ways.  We will defend the weak and be a voice against injustice for God’s glory and honor, not our own.   

12. Connections will place it’s faith in God.  We will seek His will in every action and ground our policies in His word.  When conflict arises we will view it as an opportunity learn and grow together.  We will stand firm even in the face of public opposition, trusting God has our back.  We will live at peace with our community, sharing the love of Christ with all.  

13. Connections will believe God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. "Like Ezekiel, we stand in the valley of dry bones.  The homeless are the cast-offs of our society, the broken, the once was, the never was, and the might have been.  As God did in the desert, He will do again.  God will knit those we serve back together, He will create an army, and by  their example our neighbors will know His glory, our neighbors will know our God is mighty to save." 

14. Connections will seek to praise God at all times.  We promise to teach our neighbors why we celebrate. We will encourage worship over production and style.

15. Connections will have the courage to see what we lack and freely submit to God.  We will encourage those we serve to recognize their sin and be washed clean.  Through God's grace and mercy we will fulfill our purpose.  True freedom is available for all who recognize the mire and muck.  We will fly.

16. Connection will choose to believe all things are possible through God.  We will not limit God’s ability to move mountains by relying on our own understanding.  We will encourage others to expect miracles.

17. Connection will resist the devil’s temptations.  We will clothe ourselves in God’s mercy and grace.  We refuse the distraction and false promises of the world.  We will share God’s mercy and grace with the oppressed, while encouraging them to lay their heavy burdens down and accept a better garment.

18. Connections will seek to partner with the Body of Christ, assuming it's role as part of the church. It will dedicate itself to running it's race well and seek to avoid unhealthy rivalry. We will be committed to matching the pace set by Jesus not the pace set by the world.

19. Connections will encourage those we serve to make room within themselves for God to reside.  As God moves in we will walk alongside to protect them and teach them.  We will not abandon those we serve.  We will accept the responsibility to shepherd the flock God provides.


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