Thursday, June 3, 2010


Day 13

Have you seen Iron Man 2; what did you think?  Who is responsible for the oil spill in the gulf; how should they fix it?  Should the Federal Government have bailed out the banks?  Who has the best french fries Wendy’s or Checkers?  Should pants worn below the waist be outlawed?  How do you feel about social networks?  Are video games too violent?  I am guessing you have an opinion about each one of these questions.  Who told you your opinion matters?

Our culture has taught us our opinions matter.  We live in a democratic country, we have the right to be heard.  Democracy is awesome, it allows the smallest voice to be heard and allows freedom to prosper.  It also breeds critics and fosters the critical spirit.  The critical spirit is so natural in our world it is difficult to imagine a world without it.  

What’s so wrong with having a critical spirit?  Without a critical spirit, without voicing our objection, can we change the world?  There is a times to stand against evil, to voice our objections, to defend the defenseless.  There is also a time to shut up and love.  Critical thinking, analysis, and a well constructed argument are useful, but many times criticism is self serving, hurtful, and misplaced.

The critical spirit stunts, kills, or keeps relationships from forming.  It conspires with pride and promises to elevate the critic above others.  It opposes fellowship and sows division.  If left unchecked it will destroy the critic and poison ministry.

We would love to say we are immune to the critical spirit.  Unfortunately, we have given it safe harbor on more than a few occasions.  We have pushed it out, cast it out, changed the locks, and braced the door but it still manages to find the way inside.  God has corrected us, convicted us, and slapped us upside the head, but we still lose control of our tongues.

What is the answer?  How do we battle something which comes so naturally?  Reflection, holds the key.  The critical spirit hates reflections.  Next time you are tempted to criticize, first examine your own heart.  Ask God to reveal your heart condition.  Often God is attempting to show you something about yourself rather than asking you to criticize others.  God will also guide you to the next step which may be to speak the truth in love, or to apply patience and forgive.  

Connections will defeat the critical spirit by being ever watchful against it’s influence.  We ask God to search our own hearts and motives and to teach us His ways.  Connections will defend the weak and be a voice against injustice for God’s glory and honor, not our own.    

The following passage reminds us of the importance of allowing God to search our hearts, even in battle.  Without pure hearts and pure motives our efforts are wasted.  Do you suffer under the influence of the critical spirit?  Seek your reflection.  What is God trying to reveal within you?

Psalm 139:22-24 (New International Version)

22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
      I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
      test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
      and lead me in the way everlasting.

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