Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fashion Advice

Day 25
Wow, it is scorching hot here in Tallahassee.  We have a favorite shade tree we visit during lunch from time to time.  It is near by and the large oak normally provides a cool quiet spot to reflect on the day and seek peace.  However, today the heat was so oppressive even the oak’s canopy offered little protection.  The anticipated relief we felt as the approaching breeze stirred the leaves, was replaced with disappointment as it fell upon us like waves from a blast furnace.  Heavy humid heat can weigh us down, sap our strength and break our will to remain outdoors.  

Imagine being homeless when the thermostat begins reaching 105 degrees.  Imagine hot humid days followed by evening thunderstorms which leave you and your belongings soaked.  Pair the physical oppression with the emotional oppression of being marginalized, forgotten, and scorned; knees buckle, despair overwhelms the heart, and spirits are broken.  The same distractions and escapes which dominate electronic and print media capture the homeless.  The wolves are there offering to numb the pain and despair, at least for a while. The wolves know their name.  The wolves pretend to care.  Is someone pretending to care is better than no one caring at all?

The cloak of despair which drapes heavily on the shoulders of the homeless has broken the strongest will, but it is not the only cloak fashioned by our enemy.  Our enemy knows your weakness too.  He desires to fit you with similar custom attire.  You may already be wearing it.  Are your finances weighing you down?  Are you having relationship troubles?  Do you have trouble getting out of bed to go to work?  These are signs of the custom made suit tailored by the enemy.

Last week was amazing.  We had an opportunity to share our vision, we received a special message from God concerning our call, friends gathered around us to offer encouragement, and the next steps in our journey became clear.  In the church they call this a “mountain top”; the high place.  Anyone who has been in the church very long will say, “beware of the mountain top because the valley often follows.”  By Saturday we were slipping from the mountain top.  Financial worries, car insurance hassles, and keeping the house in shape for prospective buyers created a perfect storm of nearly unbearable stress.  Stress causes sleeplessness, sleeplessness shortens patience, patience disrupts communication, poor communication creates conflict.  By Saturday evening the joy from the mountain top was almost forgotten.  The devil stood in the wings poised to drape a stained and shabby cloak of oppression on our shoulders.

Fortunately, God offers a better garment to His children.  The garment of grace and mercy.  This garment is available to all who accept Jesus as their Lord, recognize their sins and ask for forgiveness.  The garment is clean without a stain and can be refreshed anytime by offering obedience, mercy, and grace.  Although the devil may try clothe you in despair, fatigue, conflict, or greed; resist and the oppressor will flee.  The view from the mountain top is amazing, but it is in the valley where faith is grown.

Connection will resist the devil’s temptations.  We will clothe ourselves in God’s mercy and grace.  We refuse the distraction and false promises of the world.  Connections will share God’s mercy and grace with the oppressed, while encouraging them to lay their heavy burdens down and accept a better garment.

Read the following passage.  Do you need someone to lean on?  Have you been tempted to accept a quick fix, empty promise, or escape instead of seeking the truth?  Do you recognize the devils influence and his attempt to sow despair into your life?  Seek God, seek the garment of His grace and mercy.  The cloak which the world offers is oppressive, stained, and will eventually kill you.  God’s garment is light and everlasting!

Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

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